
20th Century Ghosts

162 Byte hinzugefügt, 21:21, 6. Jan. 2008
{{cquote|Of the things I’ve written, this is probably my personal favorite, and not just because it’s had a pretty successful run (I was awarded the Ray Bradbury fellowship on the basis of this story, it was nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and Stephen Jones liked it enough to put it in his annual Best Of collection). I had more fun writing “20th Century Ghost” than just about anything else I’ve ever worked on – wrote it in a blind rush over a period of three days - and have always felt more emotionally connected to it to any of my other stories.|||aus [http://www.joehillfiction.com/fiction.htm joehillfiction.com]}}
[[Kategorie:Black Box]][[Kategorie:Werk von Joe Hill]][[Kategorie:Kurzgeschichte]]
* [[Jimmy Stewart]] diente nie im Pazifik. Er war als Pilot während des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Europa, hauptsächlich in Großbritannien, stationiert.