
Stephen King: The Dead Zone * (4/5) | Der Outsider (4/5) | Pet Sematary * (5/5)

Petra Hammesfahr: Die Sünderin (2/5) | Normen Behr: 1,2,3,fear (5/5) | Joanne K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone * (5/5), ... and the Chamber of Secrets * (5/5), ... and the Prizoner of Azkaban * (5/5), ... and the Goblet of Fire * (5/5) | Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express * (5/5) | Jeff Vandermeer: Annihilation * (2/5) | David Levithan: Every Day (5/5)

Laufende Anzahl:
Romane Sachbücher Kurzgeschichten
und sonstiges
(davon erstmals gelesen)
11 0 1 6 (2)