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224 Byte hinzugefügt, 16:40, 1. Jun. 2007
Die ersten Sätze im Überblick
*[[Slade]] = It was almost dark when Slade rode into Dead Steer Springs.
*[[Stationary Bike]] = This is one of those stories that should make a lot of English professors salivate.
*[[Sword in the Darkness]] = Harding: It is sprawled along the verge of the lake like a string of dirty pearls made clean with the dawn.
*[[The Blue Air Compressor]] = The house was tall, with an incredible slope of shingled roof.
*[[The Cursed Expedition]] = 'Well,' said Jimmy Keller, looking across to the gantry to where the rocket rested in the middle of the desert.
*[[The Glass Floor]] = Wharton moved slowly up the wide steps, hat in hand, craning his neck to get a better look at the Victorian monstrosity that his sister had died in.
*[[Hotel at the End of the Road|The Hotel at the End of the Road]] = 'Faster!'
*[[The Aftermath]] = The engine of the old Ford died, for the third time that morning.
*[[The Other Side of the Fog]] = As Pete Jacobs stepped out, the fog immediately swallowed up his house, and he could see nothing but the white blanket all around him.
*[[The Plant]] = Gentlemen, I have written a book that you might want to publish.
