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Benutzer Diskussion:Croaton

129 Byte hinzugefügt, 16:04, 22. Apr. 2011
:::Und "A few celebrated authors have made a point of regularly seeking out and championing books by writers with whom they have no connection -- Stephen King is the most prominent example. (That said, I haven't found King's recommendations particularly useful.) But overall, blurbs just aren't very meaningful. Yet, apart from a minority of skeptics, much of the public still seems to take them at face value. One British publisher claims to have seen research showing that as many as '''62 percent of book buyers choose titles on the basis of blurbs'''." [http://newimprovedgorman.blogspot.com/2010/07/beware-of-blurbs.html]
:::Lg [[Benutzer:Wörterschmied|WS]] 06:20, 22. Apr. 2011 (CEST)
::::Okay, ich leg's mal an, dann können wir's noch beliebig ergänzen. [[Benutzer:Croaton|Croaton]] 18:04, 22. Apr. 2011 (CEST)
